Cheats For Gta Liberty City Stories Ppsspp
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- Cheats For Gta Liberty City Stories
- Cheats For Gta Liberty City Stories Ppsspp Best Settings
The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, tricks, and secrets for Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories for PSP. Jun 27, 2018 Cheat GTA Liberty City Stories psp– English – Indonesia – Download cwheat file for play psp game with cheat – rar, zip, ini, ules, ulus, uljs, uljp, uces. Jun 06, 2006 Bully Rockstar Games brings their unique storytelling to the perils of the schoolyard in Bully. As a troubled schoolchild a. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City From the decade of big hair, excess, and pastel suits comes a story of one man's rise to the top of the criminal pile. Grand Theft Auto III LIBERTY CITY. This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories for PlayStation Portable.If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add. Aug 07, 2018 GTA LIBERTY CITY STORIES CHEAT CODES PPSSPP
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Get the latest Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PSP (PSP). has all you need to win every game you play!
Use the above links or scroll down see all to the PSP cheats we have available for Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories.
Use A Helicopter
- We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.
- Been making cheat codes for Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories (PSP) currently made 243 cheat codes and still more possible cheat codes to find. Bauer24, Jan 3.
In the Yakuza home in the top of the house theirsan helicopter their.
Float In Air
On the 'Slacker' mission when you go to pick upthe dealer, jump into the yellow marker instead ofwalking into it. During the intermission sequence,Toni will float in the air as if he is falling.
Calm Before The Storm Mission: Fly Helicopter
During this mission for JD, when the helicoptermakes its second stop on the top of the buildingin the Red Light District, get a bike. Drive it upthe stars. Make sure not to kill anyone or themission will end. You can press Triangle next tothe helicopter to board it and fly around.
Get a five star wanted level. FBI cars willappear. As soon as you see one, enable the 'Wantedlevel disabled' code and quickly get in an FBIbefore it leaves. When you are driving the FBIcar, turn on the siren. All of the other cars willmove out of the way. It also has good speed andhandling.
How To Put More Than One Vehicle In Your Garage
While there is one vehicle in you garage and youwant to put another i you got to do is place thevehicle in front of the garage door then quicklyget off and then the door will open and then againquickly get in your vehicle and drive it in quick.
Game Of Death Reference
After completing the 'Crazy 69' mission where yourun around in the park and kill gang members witha samauri sword, you will receive the 'Dragonjumpsuit' clothing option at your safehouse. Thisarticle of clothing is exactly the same as the oneBruce Lee wore in his 1973 film Game Of Death.
Hop Over Speeding Cars In One Jump
This trick requires a lot of time and practice.Immediately before a car is going to hit you,jump. You should see yourself on top of the car.Jump again to hop off the car.

After you pass the 'No Son Of Mine' mission, Maputs a 'hit' on you. When a assassin tries toattack, do not run away. You can kill him easily.He should be carrying money, body armor, and anice gun.
Gta Liberty City Cheats Psp
Car Stuck On Bridge
When you are driving on the bridge that connectsStaunton Island and Shoreside Vale, you can getsomeone's car stuck in the bridge. To do this,wait until the bridge is up. Then, bump someone'scar about half-way on the bridge with it halfwayhanging over the edge. When the middle section ofthe bridge comes back down, that car should getstuck and have half of it sticking out of the bridge.
Taxi Missions Bonus
Steal a taxi and press Up to start the Taximissions. After a total of 100 successful faresyou will unlock the '76 Bickle cab.
Exploded Car On Water
Enable the 'Drive on water' and 'Chrome traffic'codes. Get a car, then get a prostitute inside it(pull up besides her and beep). Without crashing,drive full speed into the water. It will look likethe car has exploded, but you can still drive it.Note: If you wait long enough in the water, thewoman will get naughty and make rude remarks.
Walk Through Train
Use the following trick to walk through any trainwhile losing less health than if you were simplyhit by it. Run and jump head on into the train.You will go through the train as if you were aghost, and barely loose any health.
Keep Health When Bailing
While on a motorcycle, you can jump off bypressing Y. If you are going fast enough, you canstill jump off the bike while in the air. Go off ajump while you are going directly toward a wall.You can jump off and there will be no damage willbe done to your health. Even if you jump out of acar and roll forward into a wall, you will notlose health. You will keep rolling but will not goanywhere.
Get To Other Areas Early
To reach Staunton Island early, enable the 'Driveon water' code and go to the Calahan bridge. Driveoff the bridge and into the water then go to thedocks. Drive your car onto the docks. Make sure itis not a nice car, as you cannot take it with you.You are now on Stanton Island. This also works forLiberty City.
Drive Destroyed Car
Find an automobile with a driver in it. PressTriangle to get in the car and immediately enablethe 'Destroy all cars' code. If done correctly,you should be in the automobile, but it will be onfire. Enable the 'Full health' code to put thefire out. You can now do things like in a normalcar. If you take it to a Pay N Spray, theabutomobile will be fixed but still look burned.
Avenging Angel Costume
Win SlashTV two times.
Shoreside Vale: Hellanbach GT
If your are looking for a Hellanbach GT forLoveMedia crazy car give-away, there are two waysto get one. The first is to complete level 4 inthe car salesman missions. It will appear in theshowroom. The second place it can be found is atShoreside Vale. Go to the first house on thebottom row of houses in the Cedar Grove area. Lookin the driveway to the garage. If one is notthere, drive left or right, then turn back. Thereshould be one sitting in front of the garage.
Shoreside Vale: M60
There is an M60 in the airport. Go to the parkinglot. There should be a small opening to your left.When you go through it, there is a ramp going ontop of the fire station. To your left when you areup there is a ledge going around the airport.There is a secret package and magnum. Keep goingaround the airport until reaching a dead end.There is a small gap between the edge and anairplane hanger. Drive of the edge onto theairplane hanger to find an M60.with 100 ammo.
Hellenbach GT
You can also get the Hellenbach GT during themission where you must kill the Sindacco gangmember. JP calls and tells you to take his car asa down payment on the money that he owes you. Thatcar is a Hellenbach GT. Save the car in yourgarage until you need it for the Love Fist cargiveaway.
Easier Mission Completion
When you get to the point where you can domissions for Ma Cipriani ('C' on the map), do notcontinue them until they are your only option.After Ma's 'No Son Of Mine' mission, she will sendhit men after you. They will continue to appearuntil they are all killed, making future missionsmore difficult to complete.
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Real Car Equivalents
During the introduction sequence for the BikerHeat mission, the poster above Maria's bed depictsmembers of the imaginary rock band Love Fist,which was the band Tommy Vercetti befriended andcompleted missions for in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.
The Big Jump
While you are playing the awesome grand theft auto. Get an ambulance and turn on your siren then turn it off then back on and when you turn it on the second time you will do the big jump!
Perfect Hiding Spot On Multiplayer
Before you pause to get on multiplayer type the completion cheat (upx4 x x square R L ) then go to multiplayer. Go to libetry city survivor and for location you need to choose Staunton island. When you get there drive around till you see a giant parking garage thats about 4 stories tall. Face it and go right down the street. There should be an ammu-nation. Go inside and place a remote controlled grenade in the door way. Go to the corner furthest away from the door and fix your screen where you can see both windows and the door. When you see the enemy walk through the door, press circle and watch him blow up. If he doesn't die then when he gets up, shoot him.Repeat until you run out of bombs.
Flashback Fm Voice Reference
The voice or dj was Reni. She was part of the mission in Grand Theft Auto Vice City Stories.And also a playable character in Vice City Multiplayer.
Take Out The Helicopter
When your on a star 3 or higher, a heli comes after u. To take it out you will have to blow it up witrh a grenade launcher.
When a cop or some random person tries to take you out of a car after you have already gotten into it, swerve the car that way of said person and most of the time he/she will roll under the car.
Staunton Island: Ride Through Wall
In the Rockford area, directly beside the hospitalis a construction site. Get a PCJ 600 and ride itto the red bar at the construction site's entranceand break it. Then, back up and then go fast aspossible. Ramp up the dirt pile inside theconstruction site. Once you are on the first roof,jump over to the second roof while still on yourbike. Then, go to the wall to your right and rideslowly into it. Note: You may need to do this morethan once. If done correctly, you should fall intothe wall. When you are done falling, you will bein the unfinished tunnels below. The only way toget exit is to die.
Staunton Island: Fall Through Ground
Go to the Fort Staunton area. After you do themission where you blow up the tunnel, there willbe several destroyed buildings farthest to theright of the bottom of Liberty Campus. Go the wayclosest to the river. Go straignt until you areable to go to the right, where you can see acracked broken wall that you can almost jump over.If you cannot jump it, enable the 'Better handlingvehicles' code and press Down to jump over thewall while in a car. If you jump over the wall,you will go through the rubble and fall,eventually reappearing on top of the rubble. Youwill then begin to fall again. The only way toexit is to enable the 'Suicide' code. Whilefalling you can exit your vehicle (if you are usedit to reach this area).
Exceed Garage Limit
With a motorcycle, park it against the garagedoor. Jump off, and after the garage door opens,quickly press Triangle to get back on and press Xto drive it in before the door closes again. Witha car, keep pushing it towards the garage dooruntil it opens, then keep pushing it until it isinside.
No Bike Sound
When you steal a bike and the radio is on, therewill be no noise from the bike when you go. Note:This only works if you drive really fast. Once youbrake, the radio plays.
Dead Person Exits From Car
Aim at a person in a car just slightly above theirhead from a distance. When you shoot them theywill get out of the car. It will look like someonekicked them out of the car, but there is no onethere. The person will then die.
Bleeding Vehicles
While using the normal shotgun, walk directly upto a Rhino. Use manual aim and fire directly intothe Rhino. It will spurt blood as if it were aperson. This can also be done with other cars andobjects, but is best when the Rhino is the target,because it will not explode in your face. Trydoing this at the airport so you do not get awanted level. Note: The blood only spurts when youfire from certain angles; down and to the rightslightly works the best, and you must be directlyup against the tank and use manual aim to do it.
Ambulance Mission Bonus
Steal an ambulance and press Up to start theAmbulance missions. After reaching level 12, youwill have unlimited sprinting.
Firefighter Mission Bonus
Steal a fire truck and press Up to start theFirefighter missions. After reaching level 12, youwill be fireproof.
Food Delivery Mission Bonus
Go to the Well Stacked Pizza shop in StauntonIsland or the Noodle Punk shop in Portland. Startthe delivery missions and reach level 9 toincrease your maximum health by 25 points.
Vigilante Mission Bonus
Steal a police car and press Up to start theVigilante missions. After reaching level 12, youcan get a maximum of 150 points of body armor.
Custom Soundtracks
Download and install the Rockstar Custom Tracksutility on your PC. Follow the includedinstructions to convert music tracks from an audio CD.

No Money Loss When Busted
Complete the Avenging Angels missions on StauntonIsland.
Spirit E And PJC At Staunton Island Safe House
Deliver all sixteen vehicles on the list to theLove Media garage in Bedford.
Super Angel Bike (bulletproof) At Portland Safehouse
Super Land Stalker (Bulletproof) At Shoreside Vale Safehouse
Complete the Avenging Angels missions in ShoresideVale.
Upgraded Sanchez
Complete all ten courses in the 'Bump & Grinds' atthe dirt bike course in Portland.
Antonio Costume
Successfully complete the 'Rollercoaster Ride'mission.
Dragon Jumpsuit Costume
Successfully complete the 'Overdose Of Trouble'mission.
King' Jumpsuit Costume
Successfully complete 'The Portland ChainsawMasquerade' mission.
Sweats Costume
Successfully complete the 'A Walk In The Park'mission.
Tuxedo Costume
Successfully complete the 'A Date with Death' mission.
Underwear Costume
Successfully complete the 'Shoot The Messenger'mission.
Slacker Mission: Early Molotov Cocktail
On the 'Slacker' mission when you go to pick upthe dealer, there will be a man sitting on themiddle bench near by the yellow marker. There willbe a man in a red hat and brown coat. He has aMolotov cocktail. If you kill him you can take it.You can fail that mission, start it again, killthe man again, and get another Motolov cocktail.
Taking The Peace Mission: Easy Completion
During this mission you must take control ofPaulie Siddaco's car and kill the gang members.Enable the 'Pedestrians follow you' code. Aftertaking control of his car, he will exit. Drive tothe area where you kill the gang and they will notattack you, making it easier for you to kill them.After you complete the mission, Paulie Siddacowill be in your van.
Wong Side Of The Tracks Mission: Chinese Food
After completing the Wong Side Of The Tracks sidemission, go directly to your Portland safehouse.You should see Chinese food on the table in thesafehouse.
Staunton Island: Smiley face 'Hello Again'
Look for the place where you have to chase the'priest' to in the Church missions. It is agarage-type place. Look for the white stairs andclimb up. Jump over to the roof to your right thenrun straight ahead. Jump off to the right of thewall. Follow this wall until you find the ramp.Once you reach the ramp, do not go up it. Keepfollowing the wall and run to the back. Turn tothe left to find the hidden location. In GrandTheft Auto 3 the sign said ' You are not supposeto be here'. Instead, the sign has a smiley facewith 'Hello Again'.
Barracks OL (Army Truck)
Find the junkyard and go into it. Next to a wallthere will be a truck. It is a Barrack OL (armytruck).
When you do the third or fourth mission for MaCipriani called 'Grease Sucho,' you must win arace. When you win, you must kill Sucho. He is ina car with flames down the side, called aThunder-Rod. You must ram the car to get him outso that you can kill him. However, do not let thecar explode. If you do, it will be impossible tocomplete the game later. In the 'Love Media'mission, you must deliver sixteen different cars.and the Thunder-Rod is one of them. After you ramSucho's car just enough that he gets out, kill himthen take the car and put it in your garage.Go to the building next to the bridge in Portland.In one of the parking spaces is a Thunder-Rod.
Good Citizen Bonus
Occasionally you will see a cop chasing someonedown the sidewalk. If you run up to the personbeing chased and punch him, you will get a $50Good Citizen Bonus. Make sure to only punch himonce; if you continue and kill the person, the copwill want to fight you.
After completing the 'Crazy 69' mission for LeonMcAffery you will keep the ninja sword used duringthe mission. This is a very good weapon for yourmelee slot, as it will usually kill enemies in oneslice. Use it for the 'Avenging Angels' missionswhen fighting gangs to conserve ammunition forlater levels. You can cut down many swarmingopponents at once if you keep moving around andtapping Circle.
Unlimited Shotgun Ammunition
Stand outside the Ammu-Nation store and target theman behind the counter. Kill him, then take hisshotgun and drive away a few blocks. Return to thestore, and he will have respawned with anothershotgun, which you can once again take from him.
Free Shotgun And Ammunition
Find a cop car to get a free shotgun or bulletsfor it.
Chrome Plated Bat
Enable the 'Chrome traffic' code, then pick up abat at your Portland safe house.
Free Items
In the beginning of the game you can buy anythingdesired. During one of the first missions you mustgo to Ammu-Nation. Select the a pistol and youwill not be charged. You can also go to the Pay NSpray for free the first few times.
Unlimited Sprint
For an easier way to get infinite sprint, justkeep tapping X rapidly.
Winning Fist Fights
When targeting an enemy during a fist fight (orusing brass knuckles), run towards them and tapCircle repeatedly. Even though you will just berunning into them and may remain stationary, youwill keep executing the 'running' punch attack. Ifyou keep tapping Circle, Toni will keep doing thisattack rapidly and your enemy will not have achance to strike back.
Weapon Fine Aim
Press Down while holding R. Holding L also allowsfor more controlled aiming (slows the movement ofthe sights). This works for the pistol, shotgun,assault rifle, minigun. Use fine aim to take outgang members in their cars, pop tires, or shootdown that helicopter.
Kill Anyone Without Getting Stars
Get a car (recommended) or bike then drive fastenough so that you can jump out of it and killsomeone at the same time. Drive directly towardthe target and jump out. This will not work if youjump out too late. You can also hit police cars bydoing this and not get into trouble. You can hitgang members and they will not chase you. However,if you do this to someone the police are chasing,the officer in pursuit will aimlessly run.
Motorcycle Passenger
Use a vehicle to ram a motorcycle with two peoplesitting on it. Make sure you hit them hard enoughso that they both fly off the bike. Then, get onthe bike and shoot the driver (and not the backpassenger). If done correctly, the remainingpassenger will hop back on the bike and sit behindyou as you drive around. It should be noted thatyou will not be able to bail from the bike whilemoving, as the back passenger blocks you frombeing able to jump off. To get rid of thepassenger, simply get off the bike and shoot himor her.
Easy Vigilante Mission Completion
Enable the 'Spawn Rhino tank' code, get in thenpress Up to start the Vigilante missions. Crashinto the cars and bikes you are chasing and theywill explode.
Better Turns
Braking helps during turns, but leaning back whilebraking and turning helps even more.
Play In Italian
Set your system language to Italian. Start thegame. The game menus, messages, mission briefs,and even some car names (Police, Ambulance, etc.)and places (Francis Intl. Airport, etc.) have beenchanged to Italian. However, it is not spoken, butthe subtitles will be in Italian. Note: This doesnot work with any other language.
To change the weather to snow, find the autoshop in Portland. Begin the car dealershipmissions where you must sell cars to people bydoing what they want. If you get to level 9, itwill start snowing to make it more difficult todrive in.
Completion Bonuses
Get a 100% completion by finishing all storyline missions, all side jobs, all races in firstplace, complete all 24 unique jumps, completethe car list for Love Media, find all 100 hidden packages, and survive all 20 rampages. A tankwill now appear in Fort Staunton, and speedboatscan be taken in Portaland. All Multiplayercostumes will also be available in Single Playermode. Additionally, successfully complete allRampages for the M60 to spawn at yoursafehouses. Note: You do not get the M60 withany of the weapon cheats.
Change Moon Size.
To change the moon size get a sniper rifle, put onthe scope, and aim at the moon and shoot it. Keepshooting it to change the size.
Drive On Water
During gameplay enter L(2), Triangle, R(2), X, Square, Circle. If you entered the codecorrectly a message will appear.
Spawn Rhino Tank
Press L(2), Left, L(2), Right, Triangle, Circle. A message should appear if entered correctly.
L, L, Left, L, L, Right, Square, Triangle.
-note-If you enter this cheat on foot/ground, your new character will only move forwards. Not left, right, or backwards. This can be a big problem. However, if you enter this cheat in a car, once you get out of the car, your new character can move free and normally. I suggest you always enter this cheat in a car.
Kill All Citizens
To kill all citizens, press L, Up, L, Down, L, Left, L, Right. If entered correctlya message should appear at the top left corner of the screen.
Wanted Level Disable
While playing a game, press L, L, Triangle, R, R, X, Square, Circle. If you entered the cheat correctly, a message will appear. If this code is enable, you can never have a wanted level.
Big Head Mode
Press Down(3), Circle(2), X, L, R. A message shouldappear if entered correctly.
Health Cheat
L1, R1, X, L1, R1, Square, L1, R1. You should see a message, this also fixes carswhile riding in them!
L1, R1, Circle, L1, R1, X, L1, R1
Gta Cheats For Liberty City Xbox 360
Weapons (Tier 2)
While playing a game, press Up, Circle(2), Down,Left, Circle(2), Right. If you entered the codecorrectly, a message will appear. The moderatepowered weapons in each category will beunlocked. To get infinite ammunition for this orthe other weapons tiers, repeatedly enable thecode until no ammunition number appears beneaththe gun pictures. Note: Enabling this code willcause your street creds to substantially drop inpoints. You can check your creds in the statsmenu at the pause screen.
How To Change Characters
While in game press: Lx2, Left, Lx2, RightSquare, Circle. A message should appear ifpressed correctly.P.S. If you're doing this cheat but you are notin a car, you'll only move forwards. In thatcase, You need to be killed. (you'll restart inthe hospital with the character you have chosenbefore). raise your wanted level by typing: L, R,Square, L, R, Triangle, L, R.
Weapons Teir3
L1, Up, Left, R1, Triangle, Circle, Down, X.
Weapons (Tier 1)
While playing a game, press Up, Square(2), Down,Left, Square(2), Right. If you entered the codecorrectly, a message will appear. The leastpowerful weapons in each category will beunlocked. To get infinite ammunition for this orthe other weapons tiers, repeatedly enable thecode until no ammunition number appears beneaththe gun pictures. Note: Enabling this code willcause your street creds to substantially drop inpoints. You can check your creds in the statsmenu at the pause screen.
Weapon Tier 3
While playing a game, press Up, x (2), Down, Left,x (2), Right. If you entered the code correctly, amessage will appear. The high powered weapons ineach category will be unlocked. To get infiniteammunition for this or the other weapons tiers,repeatedly enable the code until no ammunitionnumber appears beneath the gun pictures. Note:Enabling this code will cause your street creds tosubstantially drop in points. You can check yourcreds in the stats menu at the pause screen.
Raise Wanted Level
Press L, R, Square, L, R, Triangle, L, R. A message should appear if entered correctly.
Lower Wanted Level
Cheats For Gta Liberty City Stories Ppsspp Best Settings
Press L(2), Triangle, R(2), X, Square, Circle. If entered correctly a message should appear.
Follow Me/get Along With Peds
Left right L R circle.
Pedestrians Have Guns
To get pedstrians (peds) have guns enter this cheat during game play: R (2) L R (2) L RIGHT CIRCLE.
Pedestrians Attack You
Press L(2), R, L(2), R, Left, Square. If you enter the code correctly a sign will pop up.
Traffic Lights Always Green
Press Up, Down, Triangle, Up, Down, X, L, R. A messageshould appear if entered correctly.
View Game Credits
Press L, R, L, R, Up, Down, L, R. A message should appearif entered correctly.
Slower Gameplay
Press R, Triangle, X, R, Square, Circle, Left, Right. Amessage should appear if entered correctly.
Faster Gameplay
Press R(2), L, R(2), LDown, X. A message should appearif entered correctly.
Destroy All Cars
Press L(2), Left, L(2), Right, X, Square. A messageshould appear if entered correctly.
Spawn Trashmaster
Press Triangle, Circle, Down, Triangle, Circle, Up, L(2). A message should appear if entered correctly.
Pedstrian Riot
During game play enter:L1, L1, R1, L1, L1, R1, LEFT, SQUARE.
Chrome Traffic
Press Up, Down, Square, Up, Down, Circle, L, R. A messageshould appear if entered correctly.
Extra Armor
While playing a game, press L, R, Circle, L, R,X, L, R. If you entered the code correctly, amessage will appear.
Change Bike Tire Size
Press L, Down, Left, R, X, Circle, Up, Triangle. Amessage should appear if entered correctly.
Upside Down (alt)
Press X(3), Down(2), Right, L, R. A message should appear if entered correctly.
Upside Down
Press Down(3), X(2), Square, R, L. A message shouldappear if entered correctly.
Faster Game Time
Press L(2), Left, L(2), Right, Circle, X. A messageshould appear if entered correctly.
White Traffic
Press X(2), R, Circle(2), L, Triangle(2). A messageshould appear if entered correctly.
Aggressive Drivers
Press Square(2), R, X(2), L, Circle(2). A messageshould appear if entered correctly.
Downside Up
If you used Upside Down cheat, use this to turn it back to normal. Press R, L, O, Triangle, Triangle, Up, Up, Up.
Cheats For Gta Liberty City Stories
Black Traffic Cheat
Circle, Circle, R, Triangle, Triangle, L, Square, Square. This is the full cheat. It will work. It should display the 'Cheat Activated' annotation at the top left corner of the screen.
Media Attention Meter
Press Circle(2), R, Triangle, L, Square(2). A messageshould appear if entered correctly.
Fire Proof
In order to be fire proof, find a fire truck and enable the firefighter mission by pressing up on the directional pad. To be fire proof complete Level 12 in the firefighter mission.
Would you like to use your achievements in harder situations? You can during multiplayer. Every time you complete a couple of missions or unlock anything new and if you give it a while a message should pop up and the top left corner. It should say some thing like new multiplayer content unlocked. Shame other players with the stuff that you unlocked. If you see this then you know that when you play multiplayer you will be better then ever.
We have no easter eggs for Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no glitches for Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
Created by: ZOLTRIX.Read the full guide..
Created by: HappyWomble.Read the full guide..
Created by: Doomdogg033.Read the full guide..
Created by: Gam3rGir1.Read the full guide..
Created by: nobodys_savior.Read the full guide..
Created by: arthas4115.Read the full guide..
Cheats For Gta Liberty City Stories Ppsspp Best Settings
Created by: btaylorstl.Read the full guide..