Nairaland Forum / Entertainment / Gaming / How To Use Cheats On Android PPSSPP (110926 Views)
How Do I Make RAR Game File Play On Ppsspp Emulator / How To Apply Game Cheats On Android Phones Using Game Keyboard / Pls How Do I Play Multiplayer Games On Ppsspp(2)(3)(4)
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How To Use Cheats On Android PPSSPP by chibatov(m): 7:02pm On Dec 01, 2014 |
Go to PPSSPP App, enable cheats then select ur game. when the game loads,exit the app. *go to PSP/CHEATS you'll see files that start with ULUS,UCES etc and ends with .ini look for cheatcodes on the web,copy them and use ESfile explorer to open the .ini files and paste the codes ppsspp and play the game whose cheats you pasted soon as the game starts press back button and scroll to cheats and click..u will see the cheats there...below are cheats for some games _S UCUS-98653 _G God of War Chains of Olympus _C0 Infinite Health _L 0x2033080C 0x4FFFFFFF _C0 Infinite Magic _L 0x20330830 0x7FFFFFFF _C0 Max Chains of Olympus _L 0x20330718 0x00000000 _L 0x2033071C 0x00000000 _L 0x20330720 0x00000000 _L 0x20330724 0x00000000 _C0 Max Efreet _L 0x203307E0 0x00000000 _L 0x203307E4 0x00000000 _C0 Ultra Hyper Speed _L 0x21188D18 0x40800000 _C0 Hyper Speed _L 0x21188D18 0x40000000 _C0 Normal Speed _L 0x21188D18 0x3F800000 _C0 Slow Motion Speed _L 0x21188D18 0x3F000000 _C0 Enable AI _L 0x1003DF78 0x00003F80 _C0 Disable AI _L 0x1003DF78 0x00003F00 _C0 Smooth Flash _L 0x1012FD10 0x00003FC1 _C0 Swing Recoil _L 0x101321C4 0x00004084 _C0 Moon Jump _L 0x101957A8 0x00003FF2 _C0 Invisible Chains _L 0x101A64F8 0x00000000 _C0 Size Mod _L 0x101C5600 0x00004087 _C0 JuggerNaut _L 0x10230044 0x00003FA2 ;Fifa street2 ;CodEs By: SonniE #SB 0x007E99A0 0x0000FFFF #OTHER TEAMS POINTS 0x016D9510 0x00000000 #YOUR POINTS 0x016D950C 0x00000000 #CONTROL ADDRESS 0x0038e98 0x00 #YOUR TRiCK BAR 0x008E7928 0x000000FF #OPPONENTS SCORE 0x003716dc 0x00000000 #Your Score 0x00371680 0x00000000 #Goal Score 5 ;Jawbreaker ;For Rule The Street mode or etc. ;[_DON'T STEAL OR TAKE CREDIT_] 0x00371680 0x00000005 #99999999 Trick score ;Jawbreaker ;set cheat to hz 15/1000 ;For Rule The Street mode or etc. ;[_DON'T STEAL OR TAKE CREDIT_] 0x00371688 0x05F5E0FF #Very Fast Game ;Jawbreaker ;set cheat to hz 15/1000 ;For Rule The Street mode or etc. ;[_DON'T STEAL OR TAKE CREDIT_] 0x0034F8C8 0x00000002 _S UCES-01401 _G GoW Ghost of Sparta [EUR] _C0 HP & MP _L 0x20453B7C 0xFFFFFFFF _L 0x20453B84 0xFFFFFFFF _C0 Orbs (No Decrease) _L 0x604312A8 0x0001869F _L 0x00002001 0x000000F0 _C0 Combo Multiplier [x256] _L 0x604312AC 0xFFFFFFFF _L 0x00002001 0x000000D8 _C1 By: Baldassano & Omarrrio _S UCES-01401 _G God Of War: Ghost of Sparta [EUR] _C0 Infinite Red Orbs _L 0x604312A8 0x0001869F _L 0x00002001 0x000000F0 _C0 Infinite HP _L 0x604312A8 0x42C80000 _L 0x00020002 0x00000064 _L 0x20000068 0x00000000 _C0 Infinite MP _L 0x60587364 0x42C80000 _L 0x00020003 0x00005824 _L 0x20000024 0x20000078 _C0 One Hit Kill _L 0x200453B80 0x461C4000 _C0 Open The Hidden Elements _L 0x60426CE4 0xFFFFFFFF _L 0x00020004 0x00000018 _L 0x90000001 0x00000000 _C0 Combo Multiplier [Enemy Damage 2x] _L 0x604312AC 0xFFFFFFFF _L 0×00002001 0x000000D8 _C0 Red Orbs 1 Time 100000 Increase _L 0x20453B78 0x461C4000 _C0 All Skill Levels Max _L 0x60426CE4 0x00000003 _L 0x00020002 0x00000028 _L 0x90000001 0x00000000 _L 0x60426CE4 0x00000001 _L 0x00020002 0x00000030 _L 0x90000006 0x00000000 _L 0x60426CE4 0x00000003 _L 0x00020001 0x00000034 _L 0x60426CE4 0x00000003 _L 0x00020004 0x00000038 _L 0x90000001 0x00000000 _C0 Can Move Normally at Sparta _L 0x2014AC0C 0xACE003B8 _L 0x2014AC4C 0xACE003B8 _C0 Ultra Big Kratos _L 0x00303F24 0x3C043FF9 _C0 Zens Max _L 0x60426CE4 0x000F423F _L 0x00020001 0x0000004C Mortal Kombat Unchained - ULUS-101020 Full Health 0x00340E8A 0000000250 Code: Stop Timer Author: [Four_X] Cheat: 0x00592AF0 0x00000063 Code: silver coins 9999 Author: [x-it for PSP] Cheat: 0x00596890 0x0000270F Code: P2 Win 1 Round For Victory Author: [Four_X] Cheat: 0x00592A58 0x00000005 Code: Inf Health Author: [Unknown] Cheat: 0x00340E8A 0x00000080 Code: Full Heath Author: [] Cheat: 0x00340E8A 0000000250 Code: Time at 60 Author: [Unknown] Cheat: 0x00592AF0 0x0000003C Code: Infninite Time Author: [x] Cheat: 0x00592AF0 0000000060 Code: 1 Hit Kills Author: [x] Cheat: 0x00592A26 0000000301 Code: P1 No Health Author: [Four_X] Cheat: 0x105929BA 0x00000000 Code: P1 Win 1 Round For Victory Author: [Four_X] Cheat: 0x005929EC 0x00000005 Code: P2 Infinite Health Author: [Four_X] Cheat: 0x10592A26 0x00003F80 Code: P1 Infinite Health Author: [Four_X] Cheat: 0x105929BA 0x00003F80 Code: green coins 9999 Author: [x-it for PSP] Cheat: 00059689C 0x0000270F Code: gold coins 9999 Author: [x-it for PSP] Cheat: 0x005968A4 0x0000270F Code: blue coins 9999 Author: [x-it for PSP] Cheat: 0x00596898 0x0000270F Code: grey coins 9999 Author: [x-it for PSP] Cheat: 0x00596894 0x0000270F Code: Skip To Last Boss Author: [Four_X] Cheat: 0x004165CC 0x00000007 Code: red coins 9999 Author: [x-it for PSP] Cheat: 0x005968A0 0x0000270F Code: P2 No Health Author: [Four_X] Cheat: 0x10592A26 0x00000000 Code: inf money (all colors) Author: [xiong885] Cheat: 0x10596898 0x0000270F 0x1059AD18 0x0000270F 0x105968A0 0x0000270F 0x10596890 0x0000270F 0x10596894 0x0000270F 0x1059689C 0x0000270F 0x105968A4 0x0000270F Code: inf hp Author: [xiong885] Cheat: 0x105929BA 0x00004268 0x10592D5E 0x00004268 _S ULUS-10102 _G Mortal Kombat Unchained [US] _C0 Player One always SCORPION _L 0x00592A00 0x00000000 _C0 Player One always BARAKA _L 0x00592A00 0x00000001 _C0 Player One always NOOB _L 0x00592A00 0x00000002 _C0 Player One always SUB ZERO _L 0x00592A00 0x00000003 _C0 Player One always MILEENA _L 0x00592A00 0x00000004 _C0 Player One always NIGHTWOLF _L 0x00592A00 0x00000005 _C0 Player One always ERMAC _L 0x00592A00 0x00000006 _C0 Player One always ASHRAH _L 0x00592A00 0x00000007 _C0 Player One always SINDEL _L 0x00592A00 0x00000008 _C0 Player One always LI MEI _L 0x00592A00 0x00000009 _C0 Player One always BO'RAI CHO _L 0x00592A00 0x0000000A _C0 Player One always HOTARU _L 0x00592A00 0x0000000B _C0 Player One always KENSHI _L 0x00592A00 0x0000000C _C0 Player One always SMOKE _L 0x00592A00 0x0000000D _C0 Player One always HAVIK _L 0x00592A00 0x0000000E _C0 Player One always TANYA _L 0x00592A00 0x0000000F _C0 Player One always LIU KANG _L 0x00592A00 0x00000010 _C0 Player One always LIU KANG GHOST _L 0x00592A00 0x00000011 _C0 Player One always KIRA _L 0x00592A00 0x00000012 _C0 Player One always KABAL _L 0x00592A00 0x00000013 _C0 Player One always KOBRA _L 0x00592A00 0x00000014 _C0 Player One always JADE _L 0x00592A00 0x00000015 _C0 Player One always DAIROU _L 0x00592A00 0x00000016 _C0 Player One always RAIDEN _L 0x00592A00 0x00000017 _C0 Player One always DARRIUS _L 0x00592A00 0x00000018 _C0 Player One always SHUJINKO _L 0x00592A00 0x00000019 _C0 Player One always SHUJINKO 13 _L 0x00592A00 0x0000001A _C0 Player One always NOOB & SMOKE _L 0x00592A00 0x0000001B _C0 Player One always MONSTER _L 0x00592A00 0x0000001C _C0 Player One always ONAGA _L 0x00592A00 0x0000001D _C0 Player One always GORO _L 0x00592A00 0x0000001E _C0 Player One always SHAO KAHN _L 0x00592A00 0x0000001F _C0 Player One always FROST _L 0x00592A00 0x00000020 _C0 Player One always KITANA _L 0x00592A00 0x00000021 _C0 Player One always JAX _L 0x00592A00 0x00000022 _C0 Player One always BLAZE _L 0x00592A00 0x00000023 _C0 Player One always RANDOM _L 0x00592A00 0x00000024 _C0 Player One always mkda JAX _L 0x00592A00 0x00000025 _C0 Player One always mkda RAIDEN _L 0x00592A00 0x00000026 _C0 Player One always mkda QUAN CHI _L 0x00592A00 0x00000027 _C0 Player One always mkda KUNG LAO _L 0x00592A00 0x00000028 _C0 Player One always mkda JOHNNY CAGE _L 0x00592A00 0x00000029 _C0 Player One always mkda SONYA _L 0x00592A00 0x0000002A _C0 Player One always mkda NITARA _L 0x00592A00 0x0000002B _C0 Player One always mkda SHANG TSUNG _L 0x00592A00 0x0000002C _C0 Player One always mkda FROST _L 0x00592A00 0x0000002D _C0 Player One always mkda KITANA _L 0x00592A00 0x0000002E _C0 Player One always mkda DRAHMIN _L 0x00592A00 0x0000002F _C0 Player One always mkda BLAZE _L 0x00592A00 0x00000030 _C0 Player Two always SCORPION _L 0x00592A6C 0x00000000 _C0 Player Two always BARAKA _L 0x00592A6C 0x00000001 _C0 Player Two always NOOB _L 0x00592A6C 0x00000002 _C0 Player Two always SUB ZERO _L 0x00592A6C 0x00000003 _C0 Player Two always MILEENA _L 0x00592A6C 0x00000004 _C0 Player Two always NIGHTWOLF _L 0x00592A6C 0x00000005 _C0 Player Two always ERMAC _L 0x00592A6C 0x00000006 _C0 Player Two always ASHRAH _L 0x00592A6C 0x00000007 _C0 Player Two always SINDEL _L 0x00592A6C 0x00000008 _C0 Player Two always LI MEI _L 0x00592A6C 0x00000009 _C0 Player Two always BO'RAI CHO _L 0x00592A6C 0x0000000A _C0 Player Two always HOTARU _L 0x00592A6C 0x0000000B _C0 Player Two always KENSHI _L 0x00592A6C 0x0000000C _C0 Player Two always SMOKE _L 0x00592A6C 0x0000000D _C0 Player Two always HAVIK _L 0x00592A6C 0x0000000E _C0 Player Two always TANYA _L 0x00592A6C 0x0000000F _C0 Player Two always LIU KANG _L 0x00592A6C 0x00000010 _C0 Player Two always LIU KANG GHOST _L 0x00592A6C 0x00000011 _C0 Player Two always KIRA _L 0x00592A6C 0x00000012 _C0 Player Two always KABAL _L 0x00592A6C 0x00000013 _C0 Player Two always KOBRA _L 0x00592A6C 0x00000014 _C0 Player Two always JADE _L 0x00592A6C 0x00000015 _C0 Player Two always DAIROU _L 0x00592A6C 0x00000016 _C0 Player Two always RAIDEN _L 0x00592A6C 0x00000017 _C0 Player Two always DARRIUS _L 0x00592A6C 0x00000018 _C0 Player Two always SHUJINKO _L 0x00592A6C 0x00000019 _C0 Player Two always SHUJINKO 13 _L 0x00592A6C 0x0000001A _C0 Player Two always NOOB & SMOKE _L 0x00592A6C 0x0000001B _C0 Player Two always MONSTER _L 0x00592A6C 0x0000001C _C0 Player Two always ONAGA _L 0x00592A6C 0x0000001D _C0 Player Two always GORO _L 0x00592A6C 0x0000001E _C0 Player Two always SHAO KAHN _L 0x00592A6C 0x0000001F _C0 Player Two always FROST _L 0x00592A6C 0x00000020 _C0 Player Two always KITANA _L 0x00592A6C 0x00000021 _C0 Player Two always JAX _L 0x00592A6C 0x00000022 _C0 Player Two always BLAZE _L 0x00592A6C 0x00000023 _C0 Player Two always RANDOM _L 0x00592A6C 0x00000024 _C0 Player Two always mkda JAX _L 0x00592A6C 0x00000025 _C0 Player Two always mkda RAIDEN _L 0x00592A6C 0x00000026 _C0 Player Two always mkda QUAN CHI _L 0x00592A6C 0x00000027 _C0 Player Two always mkda KUNG LAO _L 0x00592A6C 0x00000028 _C0 Player Two always mkda JOHNNY CAGE _L 0x00592A6C 0x00000029 _C0 Player Two always mkda SONYA _L 0x00592A6C 0x0000002A _C0 Player Two always mkda NITARA _L 0x00592A6C 0x0000002B _C0 Player Two always mkda SHANG TSUNG _L 0x00592A6C 0x0000002C _C0 Player Two always mkda FROST _L 0x00592A6C 0x0000002D _C0 Player Two always mkda KITANA _L 0x00592A6C 0x0000002E _C0 Player Two always mkda DRAHMIN _L 0x00592A6C 0x0000002F _C0 Player Two always mkda BLAZE _L 0x00592A6C 0x00000030 |
Re: How To Use Cheats On Android PPSSPP by ejiro2130(m): 11:29am On Dec 15, 2014 |
Op come and explain dis up thread properly.. what should we do with all these cheats u have pasted here I really need the one for ghost of sparta |
Re: How To Use Cheats On Android PPSSPP by chibatov(m): 12:57pm On Dec 26, 2014 |
ejiro2130:to you game on android ppsspp or PSP |
Re: How To Use Cheats On Android PPSSPP by ejiro2130(m): 4:57pm On Dec 26, 2014 |
chibatov: Ppsspp |
Re: How To Use Cheats On Android PPSSPP by chibatov(m): 7:12pm On Dec 26, 2014 |
ejiro2130:make sure you have cheats enabled in system settings of ppsspp..use ESfile explorer to find PSP folder in SDcard or internal PSP folder,find cheats then in cheats find UCES-01401.ini and open it,minimize the ESfile explorer, open ur browser,select and copy the cheats for ghost of sparta,minimize ur browser and open ur ESfilexplorer and open UCES-01401 paste the cheats there.. if u can't do it wit ESfilexplorer,use notepad to locate and open UCES-01401 and paste the cheats there..... if u still can't do it,meet a guy who knows much about android and coding |
Re: How To Use Cheats On Android PPSSPP by ejiro2130(m): 7:57pm On Dec 26, 2014 |
chibatov: Thanks |
Re: How To Use Cheats On Android PPSSPP by Troson: 10:26pm On Aug 19, 2015 |
Do yoy have cheats for Dragon Ball Z Shin Budokai can u please post them |
Re: How To Use Cheats On Android PPSSPP by Troson: 10:26pm On Aug 19, 2015 |
Do you have cheats for Dragon Ball Z Shin Budokai can u please post them I also use ppsspp |
Re: How To Use Cheats On Android PPSSPP by wisemrtortoise: 7:44pm On Oct 20, 2015 |
largest cheat database |
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